Frequently Asked Questions:

What is therapy?

Therapy [psychotherapy] is the process of working with a licensed therapist to develop positive thinking and coping skills and treat mental health issues such as mental illness and trauma.

Why do people seek therapy?

People struggling with depression, anxiety, phobias, addiction, PTSD, ADHD, etc. may seek therapy to treat the problem and/or learn healthy ways to cope.

Therapy goals can include the treatment of symptoms or problems, but many times people participate in therapy with more proactive goals. Personal growth and prevention or health maintenance are popular reasons to attend therapy. Sometimes people use therapy as a tool to become “unstuck” in an area of life, to grow or improve in a relationship or habit, or to address a wound or hardship from the past.

What are some common goals for therapy?

The purpose of most therapies is to heal or alleviate, symptoms of a concerning issue or condition. Medical professions create treatment plans that outline the professional’s approach and interventions used to achieve a certain goal. In mental health therapy, this is generally created collaboratively with input from both the person in therapy and the therapist.

How long is a therapy session?

A typical therapy session is 45-55 minutes, depending on the needs of the client. This time frame allows for the time needed to address the common presenting issues in which Thrive specializes with the research-based techniques most used.

Keeping the length of sessions consistent is important for a few reasons:

  • Respect: we want clients to be able to expect consistent timely attention

  • The ‘frame’ of the session guards against emotional overwhelm, especially when addressing very difficult topics

  • Boundaries are an important part of our emotional education

What are some signs I may benefit from therapy?

  • I do not feel like myselfI feel angry, scared, worried, sad, hopeless,

  • I am using alcohol, food, shopping, sex to cope

  • I feel anxious or irritable

  • I have experienced a significant loss

  • I am hurting due to a break-up, divorce, or separation

  • I have experienced a traumatic event that continues to impact me

  • I am still thinking about something from the past and it still bothers me

  • I am having a hard time adjusting to a life transition

  • I am having difficulties in my daily functioning and habits (sleeping, eating, working)

  • I feel out of control

  • Some people close to me have expressed concerns about me

  • I have thoughts of death and dying that are intrusive or bothersome

  • I want to break unhealthy patterns in my relationships

  • I am using self-harming behaviors

What should I expect at my first appointment?

In your first session, the therapist typically will ask certain questions about you and your life. This information helps him make an initial assessment of your situation and to better understand your problem. Therapy is a team effort so it is important to take an active role in your sessions. To help with this be prepared. Before you get to the session, know how to describe “what’s wrong,” and to describe your feelings about your problem. Ask questions. The more you understand the counseling experience or how counseling works, the more comfortable you’ll be. Ask questions about the therapy process, and ask the therapist to repeat anything you don’t understand. It is best if you are open and honest about your feelings. A lot will be going through your head in this first session. Listen to your own reactions and feelings, and share them with the therapist. You’ll both learn from these insights. Be sure to go to your first session with realistic expectations. Therapy is not a quick fix for your problem, rather it is a process. With some effort on your part and a strong relationship with your therapist, it can be a successful tool toward resolving problems.

Does confidentiality apply to my child or teen, even if I'm paying for sessions?

Therapy is most effective when a trusting relationship exists between the psychologist and the patient. Privacy is especially important in earning and keeping that trust. As a result, it is important for children to have a “zone of privacy” where children feel free to discuss personal matters without fear that their thoughts and feelings will be immediately communicated to their parents.

It is Thrive’s policy to provide you with general information about your child’s treatment, but NOT to share specific information your child has disclosed to me without your child’s agreement. If your child’s risk-taking behavior becomes serious, and we feel that your child is in such danger, we will communicate this information to you.

What is confidentiality?

Confidentiality is our commitment to keep your protected health information private; this is our value, as well as our legal and ethical responsibility. Thrive takes great care to adhere to laws and regulations set forth by HIPAA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). To learn more about HIPAA, click here. In general, the privacy of all communications between a client and therapist is protected by law, and we can only release information about our work to others with your written permission.